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Mendip Performing Arts Academy

The perfect 10 minute singing practice routine for children

The foundations for good daily singing practice:

As with anything you wish to improve at, regular practice is the key. Coming to lessons each week is great, and will hone your talent - but if you want to see real improvement, at least 10 minutes daily will lead to results.

Here is a quick routine to follow either as a daily practice - or before singing a song.

🎤 Start by warming up the face, jaw, tongue muscles. A range of activities from a big yawn, through to a pretend chew will make all the difference.

🎤 Then start to slowly warm the voice. Perform a lip bubble, siren or a combination of the two on a soft sound such as an 'nnnn'.

🎤 Turn 'on' the diaphragm and the singing muscles. Quickly make the sounds 'f' and 's' (phonetically). If you put your hand on your tummy you should feel it move, and if you do it for long enough you will feel as though you have done a round of sit ups. Do this for around one minute.

🎤 Once your face and voice is warm we can do some light scales. Perform a scale in the right key for your voice (youtube is a fabulous resource for this) starting at first by 'humming' the notes, then perform the same scale in a selection of vowel sounds.

🎤 Now the voice is warm, lets work on diction. Choose a tongue twister. My favourites are either 'red lorry, yellow lorry' or 'mummy made me mash my m&m's' (the latter you can also sing to a scale).

By this point, your face should feel relaxed, your voice warm and you should be ready to begin practising your favourite tracks 😘.

When singing (as with any muscle) if there is push or pain stop and reassess. Is it in the right key? Is it the right song for you? We're all built differently and have different voices.

We do all of this and more in our Mini's and Midi's classes - so if your child loves to sing and wants to hone their craft, click the button below to book a taster session.

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